The Focis system was generated using the DonJon Star System Generator, then modified extensively.

Basic Stellar Details

TypeK9 IV Orange Subgiant
Radius1.70 x 106 km   (2.44 x sol)
Mass1.85 x 1030 kg   (0.93 x sol)
Temperature3500 K
Luminosity3.08 x 1026 W   (0.80 x sol)

System Summary

  • Focis is a sub-giant star
    • 2.5 times larger than Sol, but slightly cooler overall.
    • Takes up more space in the sky, and casts a warmer orangey light.
  • Orbited by:
    • Ash, a gas giant at about 0.9AU.
      • Ashkar is a moon orbiting this planet (that’s where you are!)
    • An asteroid belt at about 1.5AU.
    • A rocky planet at about 2.4AU.
    • A cooling brown dwarf star at about 12AU.
  • Gate out of the system orbiting at the L1 point between Ash and Focis, exclusively controlled by Adamant Arch Planetary.


Ashkar orbits the gas giant Ash, this is the only terrestrial planet in the system with a breathable atmosphere.

  • Ashkar is:
    • Roughly earth-sized rocky moon (surface gravity 0.93 earth’s), and with a day cycle of 22 hours.
    • Orbits Ash at a period of 3 Ashkar days.
    • Orbits Ash out of the solar plane, meaning eclipses are rare.
  • ~50% surface one large landmass, known locally as Ashen
    • Predominantly desert.
    • Varied biomes around edge of landmass, and on islands.
    • Extreme and relatively slow tides, creates complex ecosystem at shoreline.
  • Local carbon-based ecosystem developed, but nowhere near sentient.
    • Flora tend to have deep green or red leaves, with some species exhibiting both.
    • Most common fauna fall into one of categories:
      • Eight+ legged insect analogues.
      • Developed large lizard analogue with a partial exoskeleton, found above and below water surface, six limbed.
      • Small to medium mammal analogues, some of which are flighted, six limbed.
  • Ashkar has been settled for a long time, multiple thousands of years.
  • During the last galactic corporate war around 1200 years previous (known as the Agate War after the primary precipitator, the now-liquidated Agate LLC) the planet was a major staging ground for the now-liquidated Chen & West Industrial conglomeration, during the war the planet was effectively scoured, causing major biological die-back and a staggering human death toll.
  • The planet’s large open deserts are peopled by nomads and the unions (~1 million people), and a large number of corporate arcologies (~6 million people, mostly concentrated around the shores of Ashen).
  • Technically overseen by the Ashkar Charter Board, functionally not an effective government, in the pocket of AAP.