Author: Nafees Mujtaba

Name: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Unknown

Case History: Several Alzabo installations in the Gilt Chain have been attacked in recent years by this target (or targets). These have normally either been written off as mining accidents or simply hidden in the asteroid field. The first attacks on bases came a day or two after the dismantling of a large black market network for mech parts and materials by Alzabo security teams approximately 14 months ago, so it is possible that this is an individual or several individuals with the same or similar mech/mechsuit(s) retaliating. This is somewhat evidenced by the observation that military mechsuits and some military vehicles found in the ruins and wreckages of these bases have certain equipment or parts missing, apparently laser-cut out of their main structures.

Alzabo has part-subsidised Union investigations into illegal weapons trading here and has a vested interest in an arrest or sanctioned kill being made. Current suspects are the ENLIL Adherents. Investigator Kilmer maintains that the profile of the mechs of the ENLIL group do not fully match the evidence currently presented. However, in order to maintain Alzabo non-interference in Union activities, this secondary investigation is being made into reports from a Morel Central Bank mercenary team indicating a similar mech signature spotted approximately two days ago at a military base on an asteroid near Baldachin Station.

Briefing: Kill/Capture order. Neutralise all enemy combatants on location.

If no combatants are captured, Union investigation will close but cannot indicate that Alzabo’s continued pursuit of the group is unjustified due to a lack of evidence of alternative parties. Minimum of one enemy combatant must be captured for Union investigations to officially close. Minimum of two enemy combatants must be captured alive for Union investigations to also mandate that Alzabo to drop investigation on their side.

Capture entails either a surrender of enemy personnel or forcible restraint (through mechanical stun or electronic warfare stun at the end of combat). Mech combatants must be stunned for two consecutive turns at 1 structure with no other enemy combatants to be considered capturable.

Operational Intelligence: Location is a military base on an asteroid near Baldachin Station, Outpost 278-Indigo. Area is a military outpost. It is known that there are mech-sized weapon emplacements at the location, a recent addition by Alzabo after the sightings of DerBoa ships in the system. Limited signatures of friendly units onsite imply enemy control of the base. Alzabo has disclosed the presence of large scale industrial tanker units for mining operations and military logistics - these are explosive and flammable. Alzabo wishes for these units to remain intact, but this is not part of the mission briefing.

Combat Intelligence: CCTV footage from previous attacks is usually burned out from brightness but gives indication that incendiary style equipment has been used. No reliable indication of numbers have been given, but footage from 278-Indigo suggests at least one high thermal point mech or machine and multiple other mechs with civilian industrial equipment.

Projected Threat Level: (projected average HASE)

Hull: 2.06 Agility: -0.06 Systems: 0.63 Engineering: 2.06

Known capabilities: Use of thermal based weaponry. Multiple combatants, number unknown.

Mission Compensation: Multiple stages of compensation as follows:

Mission failure: Union credits, repair facilities for any retrieved mechanical assets and healthcare access. Union case closure with recommendation that Alzabo continues to pursue its employee welfare programs, but that evidence insufficient to indicate that Alzabo interdiction against team is unjustified.

Mission success, no captures: Above, plus case closure indicating that ENLIL adherents have engaged in good faith Union UBM/LM operation, recommending that Alzabo Extraction takes this into consideration when considering its case. INVESTIGATOR’S NOTE: Also access to Tabernacle civilian database for LONNIE ABEL. This is read-only access to be terminated within 28 days of issue of mission acceptance to comply with Union data protection regulations regarding deputised UBM data usage.

Mission success, one capture: Above, plus case closure also indicating that Alzabo Extraction’s attitudes towards ENLIL group may be classed as unfair extratribunal employee handling under Union regulations. Additional credit compensation. INVESTIGATOR’S NOTE: Also on-request access to Threat Projection data for future operations from UBM mission.

Mission success, two captures: Above, plus Union mandate that further unwarranted action against ENLIL group by Alzabo Extraction will result in trade sanctions.

Mission success, three captures: Above, plus further compensation to be negotiated. (One instance of reserves to be added for the group to use per additional surrendering combatant)

Additional intelligence retrieved considered to be of use to the efforts of the Department of Justice/Human Rights will also be compensated.